Tuesday, September 16, 2008
News and Links
Sunday, July 13, 2008
News Roundup July 13
LAPD is reporting that a 13 year old Asian girl is missing from her home in the 600 block of South Dunsmuir. She was last seen [July 10] at 7am.
City proposal to encourage productions to film locally (Curbed)
Bob's Big Boy to make way for BMW dealership (Curbed)
Miracle Mile - city's "hair district"? (Militant Angeleno)
Mandeville Canyon motorist v. cyclist road rage incident sparks controversy
LAPD shoots suspect at Fairfax/Olympic/San Vicente intersection after failed robbery (LA Times)
Unofficial results for Mid-City West Neighborhood Council elections.
Wilshire Corridor Forum III Friday July 18, 11am-1:30pm see Chamber of Commerce website for further details
Miracle Mile Art Walk, Saturday July 19, noon-5pm
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
News Roundup, June 25
Welcome reception for Captain Eric T. Davis of the Wilshire Police Station
Monday June 30 2008, 7pm-9pm, Nate Holden Performing Arts Center, 4718 W. Washington Blvd.
MID-CITY WEST NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL ELECTION: JULY 1, 2008, 2-8pm HANCOCK PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 408 S. FAIRFAX AVE. Member Zach Shepard is running for re-election. Don't forget to vote!
Renters benefitting from vacant/foreclosed homes and condos (LA Times)
City Council proposal for public transit to Dodger Stadium beginning July 25 (LAist)
LAPD could lose 500 narcotic and anti-gang cops (LAist)
Rental prices for the Viridian (Curbed)
Update on 5600 Wilshire (Curbed)
Future project at Wilshire and La Jolla (Curbed)
There is now a copy of the Framework Element EIR on FixLosAngeles.com. This EIR is being used as a mitigation for the New Housing Element that includes almost 113,000 new housing units in LA by 2014. It addresses air quality, water, power and the rest of our infrastructure. The EIR was done in 1996 and updated in 2001. The Framework Element also addresses how community plans will be updated and states that there are serious Environmental impacts but that they can be mitigated by the Framework EIR. We need to weigh in on this and comment.
Go to www.fixlosangeles.com. On the left hand side of the page is the main menu. Go to the bottom and find Library. Click on it and that will take you to the EIR page which has a Growth and Infrastructure button. That is the Framework Element EIR completed in 1996 and updated in 2001. This is being used as the EIR for the New Housing Element.
Paul (the owner of Busby's) is starting a monthly neighborhood meeting for all of us to express any grievances (or positive comments too) about traffic, parking, noise etc. Also, if you have any problems with Busby's this is a good place to air these and speak to the owner about them. Please also feel free to give him positive feedback.
Paul asked that you all meet him the first Sunday of every month in front of Busby's from noon until 1pm and then you'll all go upstairs for free soft drinks, coffee and sandwiches and have a discussion. The first Sunday of every month starting next month.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
To our neighbors in Saint Andrews Square, Rampart, Pico Union, Miracle Mile, Koreatown, Country Club Park,
Time to address the BILLBOARD DISTRICTS along Olympic and Wilshire (St Andrews to Vermont) being proposed by Herb Wesson district 10 and Tom LaBonge.
This will have lasting effect on us all. It deeply effects the hearts and minds of our cities children and youth, and will be surrounding 3 - 6 of our metro trains stations and along our major corradors. What of our historic buildings, our Temples, Churches along Wilshire to be blocked by billboards.
Megatron TV's, billboards, picture Time Square. Imagine the light for renters. We can anticipate them offering small things in return, like a children's or youth program or new sidewalks with .05% of the moneys earned. I will be VERY interested in others research on how much these billboards bring in monthly. For the TV megatrons, are we looking at 50k per month each? Could we eventually be talking about 30 million annually to major land owners big business, and a bit to our council members? Who can help us gather this information? With all or most of that profit going outside of the area, let along the country. All at the expense of our children, youth's quality of life. We need green space, not billboards.
Can you please forward to your committee so we can all join and support the Wilshire Center/Koreatown NEIGHBORS to stop this insanity. The Building sized billboards popping all over are illegal bilboards. No permit has gone thru for these, and there is a moritorium on them. Although approx $150k is set aside for enforcement of illegal signage, no one has acted on this. I think we should charge the major corporations (BMW, SONY, liquor companies) and the owner of the building who is collecting these illegal fees $2,000 each per day, retroactive, and use that money to build a skate board park for our youth, and get those bill boards out of our neighborhoods!
Can we count on a letter from your organization(s) or from you individually ? Might you forward this to those affected ?
Green space not billboards,
Tina Mata
Saint Andrews Square Neighborhood Association
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
News Roundup June 3
Controversial plan to grant businesses PPD permits (LA Times)
Neighborhood Council Bill of Rights (CityWatch)
Apartments at Risk of Demolition (Apartments at Risk)
Support for the Expo Line (CityWatch)
History of the Miracle Mile post office building (Curbed)
there is a pop up store and archive for two local designers in the Chateau Burnside building for next week . Its a recession sale and there is a very exciting dollar room and amazing stuff for 5 10 15 dollars filling up a whole one bedroom app. Just to get an idea the sites are labelnyc.com and ankhbyracquel.com they are only sold at the label boutique in NY .Its a once in a lifetime event celebrating hard times with amazing stuff and a way to get to know our neighborhood.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
News Roundup, May 14
Westsiders oppose Villairaigosa's density agenda (LAWeekly)
Editorial on Prop 98 (Sacramento Bee)
"Prop 98 Hidden Agenda for California June Primary Is Not So Far Beneath the Surface" (California Progress Report)
Marlowe in Hancock Park still under construction (Curbed)
Parking ticket fines may increase (LAist)
Another community's debate over PPD (Curbed)
LADWP approves new rate plan based on two LA temperature zones (LAist)
New USGS report on California earthquakes (USGS)
Miracle Mile Art Walk -- 12pm-5pm Saturday May 17. See MCW website for details.
Used kids' hiking boots wanted for Donate-a-Pack program
Residents needed to speak about people driving the wrong way down one-way streets [particularly Detroit] and about the need for crosswalks on 3rd Street MCWCC Transportation, Parking & Streetscape Committee, June 3, 2008, 7pm, NCJW Building
Local Primary Election (with Props 98 and 99 on the ballot) June 3. Absentee ballots must be mailed by May 27 or hand-delivered between the 27th and the 3rd.
MCW Election July 2, 2008. Deadline to request vote-by-mail ballot is June 24, and such ballots must be returned by June 28. See City Clerk's website for further info.
Monday, May 5, 2008
News Roundup, May 5
Local leaders against Prop 98 (Downtown News)
Judge halts Olympic/Pico One-Way Plan (LA Times)
LADWP asks citizens to reduce power usage and water usage. (LAist, LADWP, ABC7)
LA Public Library faces budget cuts. How you can help. (LAist, SaveLAPL)
City seeks to increase revenue by increasing street sweeping zones (LAist)
Candidate Filing Packet for Mid-City West Neighborhood Council elections (LACity.org)
Caleb Neelon painting on La Brea (LAist)
MMAC Movie Night -- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -- Wednesday, May 7, 8:00pm, Busby's
Information session for Mid-City West Community Council candidates: May 14, Hancock Park Elementary School auditorium, 6pm-8pm
A letter from Jim O'Sullivan of the Miracle Mile Homeowners Association, about Density Bonus Ordinance lawsuit:
You may or may not have heard that a coalition was formed to fight SB 1818. We hired an Environmental Law firm, Chatten-Brown & Carstens and they filed on 4/14/08. So far we raised the funds for the retainer from Homeowner and Residential Groups (much faster that way) but I now what to broaden it out. We are still in the fundraising mode and we have arranged with the League of Residential Neighborhood Advocates (LRNA) to collect for us and issue a Tax exempt certificate from anyone who request it. We did this with an earlier issue and the result was fantastic. It allowed all stakeholders to become part of and have a stake in the legal action. Since your area would be a prime target for this new density bonus ordinance, with in my opinion devastating consequences I am asking you to forward this information to your group. They can send it far and wide. I am involved with some people in the Pico Union area who are also concerned about this ordinance.
I am attaching the filing and press release which tells the story.
We need to stick together and bring the City Council back to the table to craft a better ordinance or go the distance through the legal system with this issue. We can not afford to loose any more apartments anywhere in LA. Send tax exempt contributions to:
Leonard Hill
4500 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90010
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
News Roundup, April 23
Construction watch: Le Melange on Fairfax (Curbed)
Record number of California home foreclosures (LA Times)
LA passes "green" building law (LA Times)
Is this Additional Services Agreement legal? (Curbed) (full disclosure: this blogger is commenter #4)
Law Enforcement/Crime
Hands-free cell phone law takes effect July 1 (LAist)
New officer in charge of LAPD blog (LAist)
Criminals posing as DWP workers (Inside SoCal)
The following incidents took place outside of our area, but please spread the word, and if you have any information about either, please contact the persons indicated in the articles.
School bus hit and run on Wilshire at New Hampshire -- LAPD seeks info (LAPD blog)
Police seek suspect in Molotov cocktail killing in Hollywood (LA Daily News)
Controversial $1-a-book reserve fee for LA libraries (LA Daily News)
Proposed trash fee hike to pay for police (LA Times)
LA's own National Park (LAist)
LADOT has a new website (LAist)
LA Department of Transportation
LA Times Festival of Books -- April 26 and 27, UCLA campus. (website)
MMAC Movie Night -- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -- Wednesday, May 7, 8:00pm, Busby's
A letter from Jim O'Sullivan of the Miracle Mile Homeowners Association, about Density Bonus Ordinance lawsuit:
You may or may not have heard that a coalition was formed to fight SB 1818. We hired an Environmental Law firm, Chatten-Brown & Carstens and they filed on 4/14/08. So far we raised the funds for the retainer from Homeowner and Residential Groups (much faster that way) but I now what to broaden it out. We are still in the fundraising mode and we have arranged with the League of Residential Neighborhood Advocates (LRNA) to collect for us and issue a Tax exempt certificate from anyone who request it. We did this with an earlier issue and the result was fantastic. It allowed all stakeholders to become part of and have a stake in the legal action. Since your area would be a prime target for this new density bonus ordinance, with in my opinion devastating consequences I am asking you to forward this information to your group. They can send it far and wide. I am involved with some people in the Pico Union area who are also concerned about this ordinance.
I am attaching the filing and press release which tells the story.
We need to stick together and bring the City Council back to the table to craft a better ordinance or go the distance through the legal system with this issue. We can not afford to loose any more apartments anywhere in LA. Send tax exempt contributions to:
Leonard Hill
4500 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90010
A letter from Supervisor Yaroslavsky
(filing and press release to be posted on MMAC website)
One more day to speak up about the Wilshire subway:
Per Bill Bergstrom from the Chamber of Commerce, the MTA needs community support for long-range plans for Wilshire Blvd.
- MTA is developing their long range plan right now
- Wilshire should be a major part of that but officials need to see community support
- the Miracle Mile/ Wilshire Corridor community has not been heard from
- Wilshire Subway is one of several long range projects the Board is looking into
Monday, April 14, 2008
News Roundup, April 14
Local Business
The Pig still empty (Eater)
The first density bonus lawsuit (Curbed)
Zev Yaroslavsky on density (LA Times)
LA needs 113,000 new homes (Daily Breeze)(KABC)
Fire damages Wilshire office building -- arson suspected (Curbed)
DWP rates to go up (LAist)
Map ForYourArt lists museums, galleries, etc. throughout LA (Daily Candy)
Push for disposable bag fees (LAist)
USGS: chances of 6.7 or higher earthquake in next 30 years 97% (LA Times)
Miracle Mile Art Walk -- Saturday, April 19, 12pm-5pm Reception and lecture 2pm at Korean Cultural Center (Flyer)
MMAC Movie Night -- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -- Wednesday, May 7, 8:00pm, Busby's
CityWatch LA -- an insider look at City Hall
Miracle Mile Residential Association
Per Bill Bergstrom from the Chamber of Commerce, the MTA needs community support for long-range plans for Wilshire Blvd.
- MTA is developing their long range plan right now
- Wilshire should be a major part of that but officials need to see community support
- the Miracle Mile/ Wilshire Corridor community has not been heard from
- Wilshire Subway is one of several long range projects the Board is looking into
Monday, April 7, 2008
News Roundup, April 7
Reserve officers patrol Hollywood (LA Times)
Opinion piece on LA's "density wars" (LA Times)
Mid-City West Stakeholder Meeting -- Vote on Bylaws -- Tuesday, April 8, 7pm, 543 N. Fairfax Avenue (Proposed bylaw amendments)
Mid-City West Neighborhood Council Board Meeting -- Tuesday, April 8, 7:30pm 543 N. Fairfax Avenue (Agenda)
Miracle Mile Art Walk -- Saturday, April 19, 12pm-5pm
MMAC Movie Night -- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -- Wednesday, May 7, 8:00pm, Busby's
Per Bill Bergstrom from the Chamber of Commerce, the MTA needs community support for long-range plans for Wilshire Blvd.
- MTA is developing their long range plan right now
- Wilshire should be a major part of that but officials need to see community support
- the Miracle Mile/ Wilshire Corridor community has not been heard from
- April 25 is the deadline for public comment
- Wilshire Subway is one of several long range projects the Board is looking into
Thursday, March 27, 2008
News Roundup, March 28
Daniel Murphy High School question and answer (Curbed)
New plan to cut down on red tape for developers (Curbed)
Five tenants for 5900 Wilshire (Globe St.)
Update on 5550 Wilshire (Curbed)
Local Businesses
Trader Joe's (or rumors of Ace Gallery?) relocating to La Brea car dealership (Curbed)
Cellphone law may not make roads safer (LA Times)
Law Enforcement
Los Angeles under-policed; officers doing civilian jobs due to hiring freezes (Daily News) (LA Times)
Bratton: race may have played a role in recent shootings (Daily Breeze)
Another steep drop in housing prices (LA Times)
Renters priced out of LA (LA Times)
310,000 LA County homes being reassessed (Long Beach Press-Telegram)
City News
Delays in database of billboards in LA (LA Times)
West Hollywood's permit parking issues (West Hollywood News)
Feinstein questions elimination of public corruption unit in LA (LA Times)
Why LA has so few parks (LA Weekly)
Zoo admission prices up due to budget deficit (LAist)
Mid-City West Transportation, Parking and Streetscape meeting -- 7pm Tuesday, April 1, National Council of Jewish Women, 543 N. Fairfax Avenue, Room 103 (Agenda) MMAC MEMBERS NEEDED TO ATTEND -- WILL ADDRESS TOW-AWAYS IN PPD 78
MMAC Free Movie Night -- When Harry Met Sally -- 8pm Wednesday, April 2, Busby's
LA Times Festival of Books -- April 26 and 27 (info on LAist)
Sites of Interest
Apartment Therapy Los Angeles (design, living well, related events) -- MMAC member Abby Stone writes for the site
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
News Roundup, March 20
With all the tidbits of local news floating around the blogosphere, it's difficult to keep track of it all -- so, on a weekly basis, I'll be posting links to the latest Miracle Mile news and events and other local-interest items that affect our community. If anyone knows of any good locally-oriented blogs that I've left out, or if you have any other suggestions, please leave a comment! Recent news items are linked first, with the general list of sites below.
Questions about old Miracle Mile Pontiac dealership (Curbed LA)
The first density bonus lawsuit (Curbed LA)
LACMA buys land on Wilshire Blvd. (Art Info)
Update on Park Wilshire (Curbed LA)
Local Business
Largo relocating to La Cienega (LAist)
Los Angeles ranked #1 for worst urban roads (LAist)
Metro's Long-Range Transportation Plan (LAist)
City News
LA considers plan to raise trash fees (LA Times)
City prepares for layoffs (Daily News)
Citywide Alliance of Neighborhood Councils -- March 22, 2008, 9:30am, LACC Faculty Center (agenda location and further info)
Mid-City West Public Safety meeting Tuesday, March 25, 7:30pm -- MMAC REPRESENTATIVE(S) NEEDED TO ATTEND! (agenda and location)
Mid-City West Land Use committee meeting Wednesday, March 26, 6:30pm (agenda and location)
MMAC Free Movie Night -- When Harry Met Sally -- Wednesday, April 2, 8pm, Busby's
Sites of Interest
LAist -- see their Neighborhood Project post on Miracle Mile here.
Curbed LA -- the archive of posts about our neighborhood can be found here.
LA Weekly
LA Times
LA Observed
Mid-City West Neighborhood Council
Park La Brea News/Beverly Press -- published weekly; includes Wilshire Division police blotter
LA Daily News
The El Rey